While I try my best to offer intermittent support between our sessions, please note that I am not a replacement for a suicide helpline. If you are in crisis, you may access the Government TeleManas helpline (24×7) 14416
Here is a list of other suicide helplines that work within India:
Vandrevala Foundation Helpline (24×7) : +919999666555
AASRA (24×7) : +919820466726
iCall (10 AM – 8 PM) :
You may also reach out to a trusted friend or family member who can support you. If in extreme distress please go to your nearest emergency room. If you are outside of India, please contact the dedicated crisis helpline in your region.
While I try my best to offer intermittent support between our sessions, please note that I am not a replacement for a suicide helpline. If you are in crisis, you may access the Government TeleManas helpline (24×7) at 14416 Here is a list of other suicide helplines that work within India: Vandrevala Foundation Helpline (24×7): +919999666555, AASRA (24×7): +919820466726, iCall (10AM – 8PM): +919152987821. You may also reach out to a trusted friend or family member who can support you. If in extreme distress please go to your nearest emergency room. If you are outside of India, please contact the dedicated crisis helpline in your region.
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